Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome, Hillwood Herald reporters!

If you would like to begin class early, please practice typing at the website 10FastFingers. Or select music for The Herald's Internet radio station. Any one interested in adding some Halloween classics to the song list?

Angela, Anya, & Rubina: Did you feel as though you finished sussing out the high school application process on Please show Ms. Moorhead your final mind map. (Remember, you can use the website Lino (bd7ecfa9) to brainstorm ideas.)

Angela: What is Khan Academy? Write story about how someone might use this site?

If you're after another assignment, consider writing about the history around the Presidential debates. What can you say about the role of "character" and "personality" in these debates?

Anya: Read this New York Times article and then write a review regarding researchers' latest findings about our attention spans.

If you're after another assignment, consider writing about the history around the Presidential debates. What can you say about the role of "character" and "personality" in these debates?

Rubina: Great initiative with your pose from Thursday. Because we are a publication targeting young people, please contemplate a way to work in a "learning moment" into your story. Talk with Ms. Moorhead re: how you might do this.

Then, Rubina, move to this New York Times opera story and slideshow. Might this be worth a post?

Natasha: Can you write a story the Giants' parade? SF.gate might be a helpful source, as well as the Giants' main website. After you finish your story, consider making an Animoto video.

Kennedy: Surprise me — what's your top story of the week? The BrainPop website might be fun to explore.

Asiana: How are the upper-graders coming along in their Washington DC fundraiser. How far are we from our target? Can we still order See's candy?

Claire: Pick an animal story to report on from National Geographic Kids. The following is a video that might also provide inspiration:

Oliver: Please write a review of Where Do Presidents Come From?: And Other Presidential Stuff of Super Great Importance. You will want to take some screen grabs from Amazon to accompany your story.

    Electoral College: How we elect our President in the United States

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