Friday, March 9, 2012

Were Interviewers More Aggressive Than Now?

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was interviewed by Meet The Press. The interviewers were:

Mr. Ned Brooks
Mr. Frank Vandolin, (I think that's how it's spelled :/ )
Ms. Meg Craig
Mr. Anthony Louis
Mr. Lawrence . . . (I don't know what his last name is. I tried figuring it out but it wasn't clear enough.)

Martin Luther King Junior was thirty-one years old in this interview. He was born in the South and was educated for the ministry in the North.

Some of you might know that Meet the Press is still on. Go to this website to see their cite.

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was provoked by the interviewers. They were asking him questions in a way that would hurt anybody's feeling. Dr. King reacted correctly. He did not start yelling and swinging his fists at them. Part of it was because Dr. King was an excellent speaker and he knew that, the way that they were talking to him, was supposed to provoke him.

I think that the number one rule, when you are being interviewed, is to not overreact to the provoking questions.

If you wish to watch the interview itself, go to the Hillwood Herald's from door.

Written By: Rubina H.

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