Lucia, Naomi, and Hadley wrote what they depict as their imaginary nightmare school. This is it:
We the students get five minutes to use a telephone to contact our parents to make sure they know that we’re OK. I think it’s mostly so that they know that we’re alive.
After AP Forced Religion I have PE at 7:10 with Mr. Arbend. The PE workout is very intense usually we end up getting hurt. He isn't the worst teacher but anyone can tell that he doesn't like kids. He yells sometimes if people aren't running fast enough but that's pretty much the worst punishment from him.
At 8:00 I have math with Mr. Mckinnley he is a retired janitor and has a son who goes to the school but they don't seem to be close. I think his son blames him for the divorce between his parents.
Mr. Mckinnley's personality seems to just be anger. His eyebrows always look angry and he always has a scowl on his face. He doesn't hurt the kids but always screams when he opens his angry mouth.He teaches extremely hard math that is not our grade level.
The next class is history with Mrs. Pine at 10:00 she is one of the most strict teachers in the school. The history is based on her opinion. If we disagree she hits or slaps us. If we speak without spoken to or ask a question she yells at us. We must have perfect posture or else she will hit our backs with her ruler.
After Mrs. Pine I have a four hour chemistry class with Mr. Arthur AKA "Baldy". He is very quiet and short which makes it hard to understand my assignment, but we call him Baldy behind his back because his head was shaved by a crazy student about two years ago.
Then at 3:30 we have mutton for lunch for an hour. The food tastes like wet cardboard.
At 4:30 we have English (my favorite class) with our old teacher Mr. Clockso. He is mostly sleeping which gives us time to talk with friends so I have some fun even though the work is extremely hard. Whenever he wakes up he tells us about the dreams he had which usually includes killing us, burning down the school, etc.
Now it's 6:30 and I finally get a real break. Even though the school takes our phones I payed this teacher to let me use his. Today I used my call time to call my little sister Mary. My break is only 30 minutes so we usually have to speed talk. After this break, at 7:00 I head over to AP study hall. I know it sounds crazy but basically how it works is you have to save all your homework to do in the class. If the teacher, Mrs. Legolong sees you talking or doing free reading, you automatically fail. She also has connections all over the school to check if you're doing homework over the breaks.
At 9:00 we are forced to sleep on the dirty library floor and only get a cold rag as a blanket. I know this school sounds torturous but our parents can't afford anything better.
I wish that things were better. My dad likes to gamble and once he bet me and lost. In simple terms the bet was if he lost I would go to this school. He was so confident he didn't even think about the possibility of losing. I don't think I'll ever forgive him. I think that my sister Mary would have been sold by him if she didn't have polio. I think my dad feels bad for her so he does anything he can to make her feel some what happy. I'm pretty sure he thought that I was in her way so that's why he bet me.
My mom has been out of the picture since my sister was born. She felt like she couldn't take care of her daughters so she left us with dad.
I hope that one day I will graduate this school and never look back again.
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