Hi, my name is Mr. Arson Baldy. I run a school called The Learning Hub. First, all of our classes will be using electronics. Second, we hired teachers that show patience and kindness toward the children. Third, the food we serve will have 2 tons of protein in them so the children will be strong. Fourth, whenever an entire class pass a test they will get to watch a movie. Fifth, P.E will be 2 hours long with no breaks so they will be strong. Sixth, Saturday will be a school day but they will get one homework for the entire week. Seventh, the subjects they will learn are Math, English, Science, Writing, Business, Presentation, and P.E. Eighth, once a month the entire school will go on a field trip to Disney Land. Ninth, there will be no uniforms for the students because we had a staff meeting and we voted to not use uniforms for the students. Finally, there will be no rules on bullying because we want to prepare them for the real world.
1. No cheating
2. No skipping class
3. No breaking in to other people’s locker or the teacher’s room
4. No throwing stuff at the teacher
5. No talking over the teacher
6. No talking in class
7. Respect your teacher
If we find out you do any of these things, we will call your parents, give you detention, suspend you, or expel you.
This is the typical day at our school. Students will come in to the school at 7:00 and go to their first class which is math for 1 hours. They will get their math homework for the week and go to their next class which is English for 1 hour. After English, they will get a 30 minute recess. Then, they will go to the science lab to study science for 1 hour. After science class, they will have a 1 hour lunch time. After they will have writing for 1 hour, Business for 30 minutes but it’s only twice a week. Then P.E for 2 hours. Then, they will go home.
Time at school: 8 hours
This is a good school for children because it prepares them for the real world.
This is written by Jack
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