Friday, May 3, 2019

Da Vincis death

We all know the famous Leonardo Da Vinci , but one question comes to mind how did he die? What happened ? During the last months of his life he lived in France . Its rumored that he died at age 67 of a stroke . And during his last months he never sold Mona Lisa and carried the painting with him until death . In all he lived about 67 seven years (April 1452 to May 1519) his remains were buried in France at a church cemetary . The church was later on destroyed in the French revolution but some tombstones remained including Da Vinci's . the reason he was buried in France is because he got along with the king. He lived with his student in france and the king let him move into the castle overall he was a cool dude . he also called one of his students  a theif becuase he didint sell his works but instead spent money on clothes . There was also a painting of his death made by some french artist

some of his famous artworks
.Mona Lisa
.Last Supper
.Vitruvian Man
.Self portrait
.The Virgin of the Rocks
.Head Of a Woman
.Lady with An Ermine

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