Friday, November 9, 2018

Other Greek gods

ηι (which means hi)

So we talked about the original gods 3 gods and 3 goddesses 

Well Zeus married Hera who was practically his sister but gods don't have DNA 
So all was good.
Well they had a kid named ares who was the god of war.
Well Zeus had a lot of marriages like when he had two kids named Artimes & Apollo.
Well this made Hera angrey and she said she was going to have a kid all
By her self! 
Well yes this is medically impossible but Hera was also the goddess of marige & child birth
So that had to count as something.
Well it did she had a son named Hephaestus who was horribly misshapen 
So ugly she threw him of mount Olympus!!! 
''Cough cough bad parenting cough"
Well yeah . 
Then a few days later Hephaestus (the god of blacksmiths and fire)
Demanded a place on Olympus 
Then Aphrodite was brought into the picture
And was forced to marry Hephaestus Aphrodite was the goddess of (love).

Well the Romens belived in the gods to but named them (Jupiter ,Juno,Neptune,
Yes some of those are planets and you can learn more about  the planets 
In the blog MASA . 

          By my people yours truly Daughter of Hades ΔΩΔ

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