Friday, January 24, 2014

Celebrating 30 Years of the Macintosh

On January 24, 1984, the Macintosh was introduced as an all-in-one personal computer. This computer was the beginning of how we think of computers today.

The Mac introduced a great OS that was revolutionary. It gave computers personality yet simplicity, thus encouraging many to reconsider a home computer made for anyone and everyone. The main reasons the Mac was chosen over competition was for its user-friendly OS. 

The OS was not technically-challenging, a common adjective for operating systems in that era. It debuted with the Classic Mac today thirty years ago. OS required no coding experience. 

The beloved "Happy Mac", denoting the computer's startup. Users were reminded by this cartoon that the Mac was there to help them. In 2002, Apple discontinued Happy Mac, which resulted in extensive mourning from fans.

The Macintosh started a line of all-in-one easy to use desktops. Today, they are a wise choice for home computers because of that "advanced simplicity". 

The Mac's 30th Anniversary is speculated to begin a new era of computing. Two thirds of Mac sales are from laptops, and three fourths of Apple sales are iOS devices. Apple speculates combining tablets and computers in the near future. We can only imagine the next thirty years.

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