You may have an electric car, or a gasoline powered car, but do you have a pasta car?! Here at Hillwood we've been working on cars made of only glue and pasta! After the first day, we learned wheels aren't very easy to make, especially the kind we were using. Pasta wheels aren't the best due to their bumpy surface. The next time we used mint lifesavers instead. This time worked a lot better than the last. My partner and I finished our first prototype. Turns out that we also needed to move the wheels farther out so they didn't hit the sides.
We learned a lot about pasta cars and how they work. So far it was one of our best and most educating projects! I personally can't wait for our next work shop style class.
You can make your own speget-tacullar car invention! If you do, tell us about it! We'd love to hear!
-Kennedy S.
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