Friday, January 1, 2010

Hillwood's Annual May Overnight

Every year at Hillwood in May, Mr. and Mrs. Grantz invites students from grades fourth and up to their cabin in Muir Woods. It is usually seperated in terms of gender so, no worries about cooties. At the overnight, students can just hang out and have fun. There are a many activities ranging from a hike in the national park to playing volletyball right outside the cabin to watching movies. Along with the fun activities, Mrs. Grantz is an awesome cooker!!! At last year's overnight, we had pasta, corn, and chicken for dinner. In the morning, we ate the classic scrambled eggs and potatoes.

Some memorable activities include.... well, practically the whole experience! On the Muir Woods hike, Anya tried to scare me by running to the front and hiding in random bushes. I helped Mrs. Grantz prepare breakfast and make additional treats for the students such as coacoa and cinnamon rolls. During the night, we watched several movies that were brought in by our class. There was The Dark Knight and Spirited Away.

Of course, we slept over at the cabin. Everyone brought sleeping bags and parked a space in the living room; some in front of the t.v., some in the back. All in all, it was very fun. I got to know some people very well on this trip and we got closer. I hope that new students and current fourth graders think so too!

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