Friday, May 8, 2009

If You Give A Pig A Pancake: Laura Numeroff

Have you ever heard of the book "If You Give A Pig A Pancake"? Well, it's a very nice book and guess what? The lower grade students (Kindergarten through 4th) got to see a play about it!

On Tuesday, May 5, 2009, the students set out at 9:20 AM to take the MUNI in order to get to the Herbst Theater. But, due to the MUNI getting there too slowly, they missed the show. Although they missed the show , they watched several other remaining plays that were also very funny and educational.

The book "If You Give A Pig A Pancake" is by Laura Numeroff. She grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and from birth, little Laura was surrounded by art,music, and books.. When she turned 15, Laura decided to follow her sister's footsteps and become a fashion designer. But when Laura started attending Pratt's, she disliked everything there. She couldn't sew, she didn't like to design clothes, and she lost interest. In the end, Laura took a class of writing and illustrating books for children. When she wrote her first book, Laura got rejected four times before Macmillan finally agreed to publish it. Laura graduated very happily with a degree and a contract for her first book.

To this day, Ms.Laura Numeroff has about nine books published. These include "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie," "Mouse, Cookies, And More," "When Sheep Sleep," and "If You Take A Mouse To The Movies."

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