Saturday, January 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Wikipedia

Student: Clara

Well done, last week with your story about the 112th Congress. I know that wasn't an easy topic.

This week Wikipedia turns 10. Listen to (or read) this NPR article about its big anniversary. Then listen or read to an interview with Wikipedia's founder, Jimmy Wales. What are some of the organization's goals for next year? In the article, look for information about Wikipedia's accuracy. How does it compare to others publications like Britannica? (Here's a hint.) What might this mean for students using Wikipedia? Also, read this Atlantic article and see what some "all-star thinkers" say about Wikipedia. Include and attribute what you consider the most-interesting quotation from this article in your feature story. Also, include the fact that Hillwood has its own Wikpedia page, created by graduate Irene T.

Remember to include source credits, photos, and links.

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