Tribe: Canini
Species: C. Lupus
Speed: 31 - 37 mph
Head & Body: 36 - 63 in
Tail: 13 - 20 in
Weight: 40 - 175 lbs
Protection Status: Endangered
Wolves develop close relationships and strong social bonds. They often demonstrate deep affection for their family and may even sacrifice themselves to protect the family unit. A wolf which has been driven from the pack or has left of its own accord is called a lone wolf. It avoids contact with packs and rarely howls.The grey wolf has been the notorious villain of fables and fairy stories for centuries, yet this highly intelligent and sociable animal has done little to warrant its terrifying reputation.Once widespread throughout North America, Europe and the Far East, the grey wolf is, sadly, now only found in large numbers in specific parts of the USSR, North America and Eastern Europe.The grey wolf has always been feared by man and has probably been persecuted more than any other animal. Did you know that centuries ago, wolves were ‘tried’ by people and burnt at the stake? However its intelligence and flexibility have saved it from extinction.Another reason for its decline has been the dramatic reduction of its natural prey. This has largely been replaced by farm stock which is protected by the use of poison, traps and even guns. The final fate of the wolf depends on whether man can allow the animal to coexist alongside him.

Red Wolf
Species: C. Rufus
Weight: 50 - 80 lbs
Protection Status: Endangered
These wolves are carnivores, that find its food in small animals such as, rabbits and birds. However, if these wolves assemble a pack they can hunt a big deer. Red wolves hunt during the day and rest in the night. The wolves are usually in packs of 5 to 8 individuals, which consist of an adult breeding pair and their offspring of different ages. Red wolves communicate with other wolves by howling and growling. They can also communicate by reading each other's expressions. After the reproduction, female red wolves are seen building many dens. They keep shifting there pups from on den to another.
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